MyCamper Terms and conditions


The following terms apply when using the Services of MyCamper AG including its subsidiary MyCamper Nordic AB (MyCamper) by persons who rent and rent out Vehicles. From now on, those who rent out Vehicles are referred to as “Owner” and those who rent Vehicles are referred to as “Renter”. Together the Owner and Renter are referred to as the “Parties”. 



When all essential information about a vehicle is filled out, it can be published by the Owner. Only then will it be visible on the platform and available for renting out. When unpublished, it is no longer visible on the platform.


A person who has created an account on MyCamper’s platform in order to use the service of the platform.

Booking/Confirmed booking

In the case of an Instant booking, the booking is considered confirmed once the Renter makes the first payment. In case of a Binding booking under Pay now, a conditional booking request is considered confirmed once the booking request is accepted by the owner and a first payment by the renter has been made. In case of a Binding booking under Pay later, a booking is confirmed once a Booking request has been accepted by the Owner.  

Booking request

The request that is sent by the Renter to the Owner in order to book a vehicle via the platform.


Time and process for picking up a vehicle before a rental period.


Time and process for returning a vehicle after a rental period.

Deposit fee

In addition to the rental amount, the Renter is also charged or has to pay in cash a deposit before the start of the rental period. The purpose of the deposit is to cover the additional costs that may arise during the rental period.

Unless cash deposits are eligible and selected by the owner, the deposit will be held by MyCamper and refunded when the Rental agreement has been completed by both Parties and the vehicle along with the equipment is returned to the Owner within the allotted time and in undamaged condition.


Affiliated partners that offer insurance services during a rental period.

Insurance terms

Separate terms that determine whether a booking is covered by the insurance.


The vehicle that is rented out via MyCamper.


Users who rent a vehicle in accordance with these terms and conditions.

Rental agreement

The agreement that is drawn up for a specific booking between the Renter and the Owner, with the purpose of renting a vehicle. The dates for the rental period, rental cost and deposit fee are specified here, among other things. This agreement is automatically generated by MyCamper's platform.

Rental amount

The price per booking to the renter including Owner earnings, Insurance costs and platform service fees. 

Rental period

The time when the vehicle is rented. Counts from Check-In to Check-Out.


All information on the platform, including but not limited to: layout, the platform's appearance and feel, logos, blogs, trademarks and texts.

Motor vehicle

A vehicle with an engine that is rented via MyCamper. An example of a motor vehicle is a motorhome.

IP rights

All intellectual property and related rights including: copyright, trademarks, patents, designs, databases, related rights and know-how rights.


When a User is registered on the platform, an account is created. The User then fills in information about themselves and about their vehicle if they are the Owner.

Pay later

A renter sends a booking request and opts to enter payment details after the booking has been accepted by the owner.

Pay now

A renter opts to enter payment details before the owner accepted a booking.


The platform that is available on (or another domain used by MyCamper) and underlying pages.

Travel company

The group of people that use the vehicle, including the renter. Everyone in the travel company is covered by the Rental agreement.


MyCamper’s Service involves the use of MyCamper’s platform in order to rent and rent out vehicles.


The maximum amount per event that can be charged to the Renter for damages or loss of equipment. This is deducted from but not limited by the deposit fee. In the event of an insurance matter, the deductible is paid in accordance with the insurance terms.

Terms and conditions

The rules and guidelines developed by MyCamper for the correct use of MyCamper's service.


Users who own one or more vehicles and who in accordance with these terms and conditions rent out vehicles to Renters. Can also be called a Vehicle Owner.


1. Validity of the agreement

  1. Applicable Terms and conditions are relevant for everyone who uses MyCamper’s Service and for the rental.

  2. MyCamper reserves the right to change or add Content to these Terms and conditions at its discretion. The most current Terms and conditions can be found on the Platform.

  3. In the event that the applicable Terms and conditions change considerably or receive new additions, the new Terms and conditions will be mentioned the next time you use the Platform. When continued use of the Platform after changes/additions has taken place, it is an acceptance of these changes/additions. Contradictions to this must result in the termination of the User's use of MyCamper's Services and the termination of the User Account.

  4. In the event that the Owner and Renter have accepted user agreements in different languages ​​and there are differences between them, the English agreement shall apply.

2. The Platform

  1. The User understands that the purpose of MyCamper's Platform is to unite Owners and Renters so that they can enter into Rental agreements with each other via the Platform. MyCamper facilitates this, but does not have a thorough knowledge of or involvement in the information exchanged between Users on the Platform and the Vehicles made available via the Platform. MyCamper is not a party to any Rental agreement and is therefore not obligated in any way. MyCamper does not generally offer its own Vehicles for rent, rather it merely brokers contracts between the Users. MyCamper can also display Vehicles on the Platform for test/advertising purposes. MyCamper may review the information communicated on the Platform by Users.

  2. The User agrees that the Service only offers the functionality and tools available when they use the Platform. MyCamper strongly denies expressed and implied assurances, commitments and guarantees of all kinds, including but not limited to guarantees, commitments and disclaimers regarding the quality, safety, legality, integrity and accuracy of the Service and the information provided through it, unless otherwise stated.

  3. MyCamper does not guarantee that their Service will always be available or operate without interruption or malfunction. MyCamper is not responsible for any damage caused by temporary unavailability.

  4. MyCamper reserves the right to change, edit or close its Platform or Service without obligation to Users. In the event that the User does not agree to newly implemented changes and/or edits, the User is to cease to use MyCamper’s Services and terminate their account.

  5. MyCamper reserves the right, without notice and without obligation to the Users, to withdraw or limit its Service, whenever deemed necessary, for example in the event of an unavoidable need for maintenance work on the Platform.

3. The Rental agreement

  1. The Owner sets a desired price for rental, mileage cost and other conditions such as cleaning fees, additionally supplied material or early/late Check-In/Check-Out. Prices and conditions for a given Booking are set at the time of a Booking request and are not affected by any changes the Owner makes to their profile or advertisement thereafter. It is the Owner's responsibility to ensure that the Owner's prices are correct. MyCamper is not responsible for an Owner's incorrect pricing.

  2. Should the Renter return the Vehicle early, should the agreed mileage not be used up or should the booked options not be used, this will not entitle the Renter to a rent reduction.

  3. When a Renter is interested in renting a Vehicle, they should send a Booking request to the Owner for the dates they want to rent.

  4. There are different Booking methods on the Platform, whereby the Owner can choose which Booking method will be used: the Owner decides whether they wish to offer their Vehicle on the Platform on an instant basis (without their further consent) or on a conditional basis (with their further consent). If the Owner offers their Vehicle for rental to third parties with their further consent, the Booking request of the Renter to the Owner constitutes a binding request to the Owner, so that after the acceptance of the Booking request by the Owner the Booking becomes binding. If the Owner offers their Vehicle without their further consent to third parties, a Renter can make a binding online Booking directly. MyCamper reserves the right to offer additional Booking methods in the future, in addition to the two previous Booking methods.

  5. Once a Booking has been confirmed, both Parties can view the details of the Booking on the Platform.

  6. The Insurance terms determine whether the Booking is covered by the insurance. The insurance is non-mandatory. 

  7. The duration of the rental contract may only be altered or adjusted via the Platform. Should the rental duration be extended or should the rental sum be increased, MyCamper must be informed of such so that the insurance is extended to the corresponding date and is entitled to charge an additional service fee based on the difference between the original and final rental sum. In all cases, the adjustment must be set out in the rental contract in writing and be made via the Platform.

  8. If the Vehicle is rented out to a friend/person whom the Owner did not encounter on the Platform and the rental is for a below-regular rate executed over the Platform merely to enable insurance coverage, the Owner has to notify MyCamper thereof. MyCamper will then manually adjust the insurance premium to reflect market price premiums.

4. Registration and account

  1. A User must create an account according to the instructions on the Platform. The User guarantees that the information provided when creating the account is complete and correct. No pseudonyms or nicknames may be used. In case of the provision of false information, it may be the case, in particular, that the insurance coverage cannot be guaranteed.

  2. The User may only register once as Renter and once as Owner. The User agrees that all activities carried out on the Platform under their account will be assigned to them as if they were their own. Should the account of the User be misused by third parties, they will incur liability as if the actions were their own.

  3. If MyCamper deletes a User and/or requests a User to not use the Platform, the User may not register anew whether under the same or a different name.

  4. Users must be at least 18 years old when registering.

  5. A User is individually responsible for adjustments to information if circumstances result in previous information no longer being accurate. The User accepts and understands that in order for the Platform to work effectively, all information in the account must be as complete and correct as possible. By using the Service, the User agrees that the consequences of incorrect or incomplete information in their profile occur at the User's risk and expense.

  6. Information provided at registration is handled in accordance with MyCamper’s current personal data and cookie policy.

  7. The User hereby guarantees to MyCamper that: (i) they possess all rights in relation to the User content which shall also include the User's profile pictures, Vehicle data and Vehicle pictures, (ii) they hold all necessary licenses, rights and permits to publish the User content, should the User content be subject to third party Ownership rights; (iii) the User content is not confidential, insulting, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, threatening and does not cause a nuisance; (iv) the User content does not impair the interests of MyCamper or damage its reputation, and (v) they will fully comply with the applicable laws.

  8. Users agree that MyCamper and Insurers may verify the User's creditworthiness, identity, driving behavior, vehicle ownership and criminal records through external services and databases. Please note that this means that personal data, including social security numbers, can be shared with these external services. Any debts or payment remarks and their nature will NOT be explicitly published on the Platform, but they may form the basis for any recommendations from MyCamper to the Vehicle owner or prevent the User from using MyCamper's Services.

  9. The User is individually responsible for keeping their login information secret. Users may not share their User information with third parties, or allow third parties access to their Account in any way. Users are responsible for the use that takes place on the Platform through their login information. MyCamper may act on a User's Account, but will not use the User's login information. A User must notify MyCamper directly if they suspect or know that their login information has been stolen. The User is obliged to take the necessary measures to protect their Account, including changing the password at regular intervals.

  10. MyCamper reserves the right to refuse the registration of a User and delete the profile of an existing User without having to specify the reason for this. 

  11. Due to MyCamper's rental permit with the Swedish Transport Agency, information about the Owner and their Vehicles may be sent to interested parties.

  12. Information about Users and their Bookings on MyCamper may be sent to the relevant authorities if they require it.

5. Terms for Owners

When registering as an Owner on MyCamper's Platform and as long as the Owner has a published Vehicle, the following Terms and conditions apply:

  1. The Owner owns 100% of the Vehicle/Vehicles they wish to rent out at MyCamper, or has the authority of the Vehicle's actual Owner to rent out the Vehicle. In the event that a company owns the Vehicle, the Owner is authorized by the company to perform all actual and legal acts related to the Vehicle.

  2. The Owner holds a valid driving license that is recognized in the country the Vehicle is listed for rent.

  3. In the event that the Owner does not meet the above requirements (or at any time fails to meet them), the Owner is not permitted to use MyCamper's Services as the role of Owner. MyCamper reserves the right to exclude Owners from the Platform.

  4. The Owner must register the Vehicle/Vehicles they want to rent out on their Account. The Vehicle must continuously meet the following requirements. By making their Vehicle available to rent, the Owner guarantees that the Vehicle/Vehicles:

    1. Meets all basic safety requirements;

    2. Meets the criteria that exist for Vehicles mentioned in guidelines at registration;

    3. Are regularly maintained after the manufacturer's advice;

    4. If insurance is required, is registered in Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Finland or Denmark;

    5. Is inspected in accordance with current legislation in the country where it is registered. The Owner holds valid documents that show that the Vehicle is certified and tested, and that is valid for the entire Rental period;

    6. Is insured and all taxes are paid;

    7. Holds a registration plate approved in the country where the Vehicle is registered;

    8. Is not restricted or prohibited by law or contract for handover to third parties (in case of leased Vehicles, the leasing Terms and conditions must be consulted);

    9. Is damage-free, apart from normal wear and tear, taking into account the age of the Vehicle, unless otherwise expressly agreed with the Renter. In that case, this must be documented at Check-in;

    10. Is provided with all necessary fluids (including but not limited to engine oil, brake fluid, coolant, washer fluid), unless otherwise expressly agreed with the Renter;

    11. Is licensed to use during the Rental period;

    12. Has a maximum weight of 7,500 kg.

  5. In the event that the Vehicle no longer meets the above mentioned criteria, the Owner shall as soon as possible rectify this or otherwise remove their advertisement and cancel all existing Bookings and agreements immediately, unless otherwise agreed with MyCamper.

  6. The Owner is fully responsible for any damage or costs incurred by the fact that either the Vehicle or the Owner no longer meets the above mentioned criteria. MyCamper is not obligated to compensate any of the Parties if the above criteria are no longer met.

  7. If the Owner has been in contact with a Renter via the Platform, the contact is considered to have been mediated via MyCamper. The Owner is then not entitled to rent out their Vehicle to this Renter outside the Platform. In case of circumvention, MyCamper is entitled to take sanctions corresponding to the service fee. In addition, MyCamper may charge the respective User a contractual penalty in the sum of CHF/EUR 5,000, SEK/NOK 50,000, DKK 35,000 per case of circumvention. The claiming of additional damages or the bringing of other legal claims by MyCamper remain expressly reserved.

  8. The Owner should answer rental inquiries as quickly as possible, ideally within 24 hours.

  9. The Owner must always keep their vehicle profile up to date, in particular the Vehicle’s availability. MyCamper is not liable for the information provided by the Owner in the vehicle profile.

6. Terms for Renters

When registering on MyCamper's Platform as a Renter, the following Terms and conditions apply:

  1. The Renter must hold and keep available, during the entire Rental period, a valid driving license. The driving license must be valid in all countries visited during the Rental period. The driving license must allow driving of the rented Vehicle.

  2. To rent a Vehicle in Sweden, Norway, Finland or Denmark, the Renter has held a driving license that allows driving of the rented Vehicle for at least three years. To rent a Vehicle outside of those countries a minimum duration in which a valid driving license was held may also be required. 

  3. The Renter has not been convicted (and has not been convicted in the last 8 years before registering as a Renter) for drunk driving (driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs), illegal driving, driving without a driving license or insurance fraud.

  4. The Renter has not been involved in more than two claims for damages due to the Renter's fault, the last two years before the Booking request was sent.

  5. The Renter is not (and has not been) excluded or denied by any insurance company due to illegal driving, and no additional claims have been claimed due to this such as a higher insurance fee, a higher deductible and/or limited insurance coverage or the like, in the last 8 years before Booking request is sent as Renter.

  6. The person driving the Vehicle does not use any medication or possess any disabilities or conditions that may impair their ability to drive the Vehicle and drive in a lawful manner. The driver of the Vehicle must declare all use of medication relevant to the Owner and the Insurer, to ensure that the use of the medication does not limit the scope of the Owner's insurance of the Vehicle.

  7. When registering as a Renter on MyCamper's Platform, all of the above requirements must be met. If these requirements are not met (or fail to be met at any time before or during the time as a registered User on MyCamper), MyCamper reserves the right to exclude current Renters from the Platform and cancel their Bookings without compensation.

  8. Owners themselves have the right to set requirements for the Travel company's minimum and maximum age. However, the Renter must be at least 21 years old to rent Vehicles that are covered by the Vehicle owner’s own insurance or are rented in Switzerland, and 23 years for renting in Sweden, Norway, Finland or Denmark for Vehicles with Omocom insurance at the time of rental. For vehicles outside the specified countries, the minimum age is 21 or higher if required by applicable insurance.

  9. Depending on which insurance the Owner has on their Vehicle, the Owner may refuse a Booking based on specific driving license requirements, age limits or other criteria set by the insurance company's policy.

  10. The Renter can add extra drivers to the Booking. These must be approved by MyCamper before the extra drivers have the right to drive the Vehicle. The conditions in §6.1-6.6 then also apply to all extra drivers. Administrative fees may apply for administering extra drivers.

  11. The Renter is in any case responsible for all damages and charges caused by not meeting the above requirements.

7. Obligations regarding the Rental agreement

  1. The Rental agreement takes effect when a Booking is confirmed by the Renter. This happens when the Renter has either made their first payment on an accepted Booking request through MyCamper’s payment provider or is sent an invoice directly by MyCamper.

  2. If a User has entered any information that is in conflict with this Rental agreement or any of MyCamper's other agreements, the latter shall prevail.

  3. MyCamper is not a party in the Rental agreement. MyCamper provides the Platform where Vehicles are marketed by Vehicle Owners and rented by Renters, and facilitates payments between them. If the Renter or the Owner does not fulfill their obligations in accordance with the prevailing Terms and conditions, this is not something for which MyCamper can be held responsible in any way. At the request of the Renter or the Owner, MyCamper can act as a mediator, but even then can not be held responsible for the Owner's or Renter's actions.

  4. The Renter is obliged to agree to the following requirements in relation to the Vehicle owner:

    1. The Travel company uses the Vehicle with utmost care, in accordance with the Owner's specified requirements, drives the Vehicle with appropriate traffic behavior and follows the manufacturer's guidelines for the use of the Vehicle;

    2. The Travel company does not make any changes to the Vehicle and its equipment.

    3. The Vehicle is only used by the Travel company or people who have permission from the Owner. The Renter may not rent or lend the Vehicle to anyone else during the Rental period;

    4. During the entire Rental period, the Renter must follow the Owner's rules regarding the maximum number of passengers who may travel and stay in the Vehicle. The maximum number of passengers is the number of people who legally travel belted in traffic, or the number determined by the Owner himself;

    5. The Renter must follow the instructions given by the Owner throughout the Rental period;

    6. The Renter is responsible for the maintenance and care of the Vehicle during the Rental period, including but not limited to checking oils and refilling coolant (at least every 1600 km);

    7. The Renter is responsible for all fees and costs related to road tolls, parking, traffic fines, fuel and the like that arise during the Rental period, regardless of where the Vehicle is located.

    8. The person driving the Vehicle may not consume alcohol and/or drugs before and during the driving of the Vehicle, and may not break traffic rules in the country in which the Travel company and the Vehicle are located during the Rental period.

  5. The Renter guarantees that everyone in the Travel company who is approved to drive the Vehicle will follow the rules that appear in §7 Obligations regarding the Rental agreement.

  6. The Owner is obliged to provide the Vehicle in accordance with the conditions that appear in §5 Terms for Owners.

  7. Check-In and Check-Out locations, as well as mileage can be agreed between the parties. Without an agreement, the Vehicle must be collected from and returned to the location indicated in the Booking.

  8. The Owner is obliged to ensure that the Vehicle has the equipment specified in the Rental agreement and that these are in working order. If relevant equipment (by reasonable determination) is missing or not in working order, the Renter must contact the Owner within 24 hours of the Check-in approval and ensure proper handling and, if possible, reach a solution. If no solution is reached, MyCamper must be contacted within 48 hours of Check-in approval. The Renter may then be entitled to compensation from the Owner of 5% per item of equipment without exceeding 15% of the Rental amount excluding service fee and insurance. It is on the Renter to prove that an item of equipment is missing or not in working order. In these cases, MyCamper has no obligation to compensate the Renter or the Owner.

  9. Vehicles on the Platform can be equipped with a GPS tracking system.

  10. The Owner may prevent the Renter from renting the Vehicle in the event that the Owner has reasonable grounds to suspect that the Renter:

    1. Does not meet the requirements for Renters that appear under §6 Terms for Renters;

    2. Is unable to drive the Vehicle;

    3. Is unable to present a valid and recognized driving license for the country where the Vehicle is registered.

    4. Doesn’t pay the deposit if the cash deposit is eligible and selected.

    In the above cases, the Owner can terminate the Rental agreement without paying any fees, fines or other penalties (MyCamper will ask for clarification regarding this).

  11. The Renter may refuse to rent the Vehicle if the Renter has reasonable grounds to suspect that:

    1. The Vehicle Owner does not meet the requirements set out in §5 Terms for Owners;

    2. The Vehicle Owner has not registered damage to the Vehicle correctly, and/or that the Owner refuses to cooperate to register the damage correctly when the Vehicle is picked up.

    3. The Vehicle’s essential equipment is listed as available in the vehicle profile, but is missing or not in working order. Essential equipment is as follows, but not limited to: seats, sleeping spots, fridge, water, electricity, awning/tent, AC and heating.

    In the above cases, the Renter may terminate the Rental agreement before the Check-in is completed without paying any fees, fines or other penalties (MyCamper will ask for clarification and the Renter may need to provide indisputable evidence of this).

  12. When picking up the Vehicle, the Renter and the Owner must together go through and approve Check-In according to the Platform's instructions. The purpose of the Check-in is to document the Vehicle's current condition, including any faults, damage and insufficient cleaning. Only when the Check-in has been completed and approved, the responsibility for the Vehicle passes to the Renter. Without completed Check-in, insurance does not cover any damages. Any errors or damages that are discovered after the Check-in approval are on the Renter to prove that they existed before they took over the Vehicle.

  13. Upon returning the Vehicle, the Renter and the Owner must together go through and approve Check-Out according to the Platform's instructions. The condition of the Vehicle is again documented in the Check-Out. Only when the Check-Out has been completed and approved does the responsibility for the Vehicle transfer to the Owner again. Any errors or damages that are discovered after the Check-Out approval are on the Owner to prove that they have occurred during the Rental period.

  14. The Renter is responsible for returning the Vehicle as follows:

    1. On the set date, time and place unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Owner. In case of late arrival, the Owner has the right to charge the Renter as follows: CHF/EUR 50 or NOK/SEK 500 or DKK 360 per full hour of delay, up to a maximum charge equal to twice the Owner's daily rental rate. In instances where the Vehicle return extends beyond the Check-Out day, the maximum charge will be twice the Owner's daily rental rate for each day of delay, including the Check-Out day. The maximum charges are calculated according to the pricing of the relevant booking. Late arrivals must be documented and proved by the Owner. Administrative fees may be added by MyCamper;

    2. Without having left personal belongings in the Vehicle;

    3. Without violating any traffic or parking rules. All such violations during the Rental period are always the responsibility of and charged to the Renter;

    4. Along with the Vehicle's keys and documents;

    5. With the same amount of fuel in the tank (for Motor vehicles) as registered at Check-in unless otherwise expressly agreed in the Rental agreement or at the picking up of the Vehicle;

    6. In the same condition regarding cleanliness and damages as was approved at Check-in, unless otherwise expressly agreed in the Rental agreement or when picking up the Vehicle. In the event of a deviation from this point, the Renter may be charged an additional cleaning fee or compensation for damage. Cleaning fees should not exceed the specified limits, which are CHF/EUR 100, SEK/NOK 1,000, or DKK 700 per hour, and should not exceed a total of CHF/EUR 300, SEK/NOK 3,000, or DKK 2,100. Administrative fees may be added by MyCamper;

    7. With no more driven kilometers than agreed/permitted. For each excess kilometer the Owner may charge what was specified in the Booking, but maximum CHF/EUR 0.8, SEK/NOK 8, DKK 6.

  15. The principle applies that the cost of vehicle parts which break down due to common use, wear and tear (engine, alternator) will be borne by the Owner, and vehicle parts which break down due to a different use or incorrect behavior on the part of the Renter (improper use) will be borne by the Renter. The used materials stated in the Terms and conditions of rental of MyCamper are excluded from the above. If defects or damages occur to the Vehicle during the Rental period which preclude or significantly impair the suitability of the Vehicle for normal use and/or the further rental of the Vehicle, the Renter must inform the Owner and MyCamper of this in writing. If these defects or damages are not the result of misconduct on the part of the Renter, but are due to wear and tear, the Owner is obliged to reimburse the Renter pro rata for the time lost.

  16. Exterior cleaning is the responsibility of the Owner.

  17. The Renter must use the Vehicle themselves in the course of the rental contract and must not hand it over to third parties (except authorized additional drivers) and must not sublet it.

  18. The Renter must not load the Vehicle with objects which overload capacity, impair safety or damage the Vehicle. The Renter must be aware of the maximum load weight and is responsible for any damage and fines and may be held liable if this is exceeded.

  19. The Renter must not use the Vehicle for any type of race, motor sport events or similar and must not use it on race tracks, training pitches, circuits or in competitions.

  20. The Renter must observe the additional exclusions under the general Terms and conditions of insurance. 

  21. The Renter must not use the Vehicle as a taxi in order to carry or move other vehicles, must not transport hazardous goods, must not use the Vehicle for demonstrations or to carry advertisements.

  22. The Renter must not carry out any optical or technical alterations to the Vehicle or unilaterally carry out repairs. Should repairs become necessary in order to ensure the operational security and roadworthiness of the Vehicle, these may only be engaged by the Renter from a professional company with the advance agreement of the Owner. Unless fault is present on the part of the Renter, the costs of repairs will be refunded by the Owner following provision of the original receipts.

  23. The Renter must not release the Vehicle or gift it to other persons.

  24. In the event of a dispute between Renter and Owner, MyCamper may act as an intermediary, but remain without liability for any costs or damages.

  25. Cases of force majeure, such as strikes, riots, civil commotion, riots, terrorist acts, natural disasters, fires, pandemics, epidemics, etc., which are beyond the reasonable control of the Parties and which occur after the conclusion of the contract or which did not yet exist at the time of the conclusion of the contract, shall release both the Renter and the Owner for the duration of the disruption and to the extent of its effect (on the planned trip) from their obligations to provide services in accordance with the rental contract and these Terms and conditions. In this case, the Parties shall provide the other party with the necessary information without delay within the bounds of what is reasonable. However, both Parties shall resume their respective services under the Rental agreement and these Terms and conditions immediately after the event has ceased. If a case of force majeure lasts for more than 3 consecutive months, both the Owner and the Renter may terminate the rental contract for good cause. In this case, the Owner’s share shall not be due.

8. Cancellation policy

  1. Both Parties may cancel or decline a Booking request without any costs or obligations to the other party, provided that the Booking has not yet been confirmed. An instant booking is confirmed as soon as it is sent, a booking request is confirmed as soon as it is accepted.

  2. In the case of an Instant booking, the booking is considered confirmed once the Renter makes the first payment whereas any non-payment results in an expired booking without cancellation fees applicable. In case of a Binding booking under Pay now, the booking is considered confirmed once accepted by the owner and a first payment by the renter has been made. Any non-payment results in an expired booking without cancellation fees applicable. In case of a Binding booking under Pay later, a booking is confirmed once a Booking request has been accepted by the Owner. In case of non-payment or cancellation, cancellation fees apply and MyCamper is entitled to cancel the booking.

  3. The Owner can choose which cancellation rules apply to their Vehicle. The cancellation rules that the Owner can choose from are "Standard", "Flexible" or "Strict" according to the following table.

When cancellation occurs

Percentage of Rental amount charged to Renter


More than 60 days before Check-in

0 %

60-30 days before Check-in

25 %

Less than 30 days before Check-in

100 %


More than 60 days before Check-in

0 %

60-7 days before Check-in

25 %

Less than 7 days before Check-in

100 %


30 days or more before Check-in

25 %

Less than 30 days before Check-in

100 %

  1. The Renter has the right to cancel a Booking based on the cancellation rules chosen by the Owner for the Booking. If the Renter has paid in a larger part than what is stated under "Percentage of Rental amount charged to Renter", the excess amount will then be refunded to the Renter. The Owner will be paid the owner amount if 100% of the renter amount is charged.

  2. If an Owner cancels a Confirmed booking, the Renter will get refunded the amount paid in full and further payments will be canceled. The Owner will be liable for an amount corresponding to the Booking's service fee, to be paid to MyCamper. This penalty does not apply if (a) the cancellation is due to the Vehicle being damaged or otherwise placed in a non-rentable condition during a previous rental via MyCamper, or if (b) the cancellation is due to force majeure. The Owner must be able to prove the exceptions a) and b). MyCamper has the last word on the circumstances invoked as exceptional grounds for a) or b) and has the right to investigate them. In the event that a claim for force majeure proves to be unreliable, administration, research and other costs associated with MyCamper's investigation in relation to this will be charged to the Owner.

  3. In addition to getting the Rental amount back, the Renter can not claim any other compensation due to the Owner having canceled a confirmed Booking.

  4. Returning the Vehicle before the set date is permitted, provided that an agreement has been reached between the Owner and the Renter. In the event of this, however, no part of the Rental amount will be refunded.

9. Duration, termination and extension of Rental agreement

  1. The Rental agreement lasts a certain period. The Renter and the Owner can only terminate the rental before it expires, in accordance with MyCamper's cancellation policy in §8 Cancellation policy.

  2. The Booking is considered to be canceled by the Renter if they have not picked up the Vehicle within 24 hours after the agreed pick-up time in the Rental agreement. This does not result in a refund of any part of the Rental amount.

  3. Returning the Vehicle before the end of the Rental period is considered to terminate the Rental agreement but does not affect the Rental amount.

  4. Extension of the Rental period is possible only via MyCamper's Platform. A change request is created by the Renter and must be accepted by the Owner. If an extension of the Rental period is not accepted, the agreed Rental period stated in the Rental agreement applies.

10. Damages, retroactive costs and fines

  1. The Renter is obliged to pay for all damage to the Vehicle and/or equipment that occurs during the Rental period, at the full cost per individual incident limited to the Deductible. If the Vehicle is covered by the insurance, the Deductible is determined by the Insurance terms. Otherwise, the Deductible is determined by the Owner before the creation of the Booking’s Rental agreement. The Deductible is calculated on each individual incident, if there are several damages from an incident, it is covered by the same Deductible. The Renter is not obligated to compensate the Owner for any lost future income.

  2. The Deductible only applies to damage to the Vehicle and/or equipment. The Owner can not claim compensation for damages that exceed the Deductible if there has been no more than one incident and no more than one insurance case must be performed. The Owner can, if they want, insure themselves for excess costs.

  3. The amount of compensation for damage to the Vehicle and/or equipment shall be based on the market value.

  4. In the event of damage to the Vehicle or any of the Vehicle's inventory, the Owner needs to provide proof of purchase as documentation for the cost.

  5. In the event of superficial damage of an aesthetic nature occurring during the rental term, the Owner shall give preference to repair instead of replacement of the affected part. The cost of repair shall be borne by the Renter. Superficial damage of an aesthetic nature may include, but is not limited to, the following: non-removable stains (oil, coffee, etc.) on fabrics such as mattresses, curtains or similar surfaces, scratches on any type of surface such as doors, partitions, cabinets, floors, etc., splinters on delicate surfaces such as sinks, sinks, showers, lamps, etc., scuffs on partitions, cabinets, doors, etc., small burn marks on tables, countertops, fabrics, floors, etc. If it is not possible to repair superficial damage of an aesthetic nature, the Renter is obliged to compensate the Owner. The Parties shall agree on a reasonable compensation taking into account the extent of the damage and the original price of the damaged element. Depending on the country in which the rental takes place, the Renter can take out an additional interior insurance during the Booking, which covers the damages in the interior according to the insurance conditions. In the event of discrepancies, disputes or claims between the Renter and the Owner, the requesting party must be able to provide corresponding evidence (photos, invoices, etc.) to MyCamper or to the other party. Liability is limited to the repair or replacement cost of the damaged item(s) and does not extend to undamaged items or components. If the damaged item is part of a set (e.g., pillowcases, sheets, dishes), the Renter is responsible only for the replacement cost of the damaged item, not the entire set. In all cases the repair or remedy should be done at the lowest possible costs. 

  6. In serious cases or in case of defects/damage to the Vehicle, MyCamper can engage an independent expert to record and assess the defects/damage final for the Parties. The costs of the above shall be billed to the Owner and Renter at 50% each. If, after the expert's assessment, one party is found to be in the wrong, that party shall bear the costs of the expert or, if both Parties are found to be partly in the wrong, the Renter and the Owner shall bear the costs of the expert in proportion to their prevailing/subject position. The defect/damage thus determined by the expert is binding for the Renter as well as the Owner. 

  7. All countries where the Owner's international insurance card is valid and where the Rental agreement's rules give permission to go to, can be visited with the Vehicle. Countries that are entirely or partially at war, as well as countries that are likely to be at war or unrest, may not be visited.

  8. In case of Vehicles which are covered by MyCamper-intermediated insurance solution, the general Terms and conditions of the insurance shall always take precedence to deviate from any insurance conditions at any time.

  9. In the event that the police or the judiciary seize the Vehicle because the Renter according to them was in possession of drugs, drove carelessly, has neglected to take care of the Vehicle, or has been involved in other crimes or violations, the Renter is obliged to compensate the Owner for all damages and for lost profits linked to accepted Bookings that are prevented or made more difficult. All costs that the Owner needs to pay due to the above, legal and otherwise, will be charged to the Renter.

  10. The Owner shall be held completely indemnified, regardless of Deductible, for the costs and losses incurred by the Renter or the Travel company in the event of irresponsible, negligent or willful conduct that results in a burglary of the Vehicle, theft of or from the Vehicle, and damage to the Vehicle.

  11. In case of a breakdown of a Vehicle covered by insurance, proceed according to the information published on the Platform under insurance. Should the roadside assistance already be included with the Vehicle or should the Renter be insured as a person, the Renter is obliged to contact this breakdown service as quickly as possible. If the Vehicle has no breakdown cover and the Renter has not booked the breakdown service in the Booking process, the Renter must pay the costs in connection with the breakdown him or herself. In all cases, the Owner must be informed immediately in case of a breakdown.

  12. The Renter is obliged to notify the Owner immediately in the event of a breakdown or accident, to complete the European Accident Report and, if necessary, to notify the local police if an accident/damage to the Vehicle occurs, for example due to an accident or theft during the Rental period. In case of a damage or accident of a Vehicle covered by the MyCamper-Baloise insurance, proceed according to the information sheet "What to do in the event of a breakdown or claim”, which can be found on the Platform in the Booking details or was sent with the booking confirmation. In all other cases, the Renter must notify the Owner and his Vehicle insurance immediately.

  13. The Owner is never responsible for any personal, psychological, material, consequential or bodily injuries that the Renter or the Travel company suffers due to the use of the Vehicle, mechanical faults, traffic accidents, single or series collision, unless the damage occurred due to defects in the Vehicle which the Owner knew about but did not inform the Renter about.

  14. If there is a defective condition or previous damage to the Vehicle prior to an insured loss event, so that the Owner gains added value through the repair of the insured loss, the Vehicle owner must bear the correspondingly appropriate share of the costs of the repair himself (benefit offset). In the case of damage payments that have already been made (to the Vehicle owner) but which have not been repaired, only the costs of the damage extension will be compensated in the event of a new damage to the same damage zone of the Vehicle, or the payments already made will be deducted from the damage amount.

  15. In the event that the Owner tries to obtain compensation from the Renter for damages that occurred before the Rental period, all costs for necessary expertise, claim management and additional administrative costs will be charged to the Owner with a minimum of CHF/EUR 1,000 or SEK/NOK 10,000 or DKK 7,000 per event. The police may be notified and the Owner may be charged with insurance fraud.

  16. If the Vehicle is not covered by the insurance solution provided through the platform, the Owner is individually responsible for notifying their current insurance company that the Vehicle is used for renting out and to ensure that insurance also applies to renting out. If necessary, the Owner must calculate whether the permitted mileage of the Vehicle's current insurance company needs to be changed, and notify the insurance company of this. The Owner is also responsible for ensuring that the necessary Rental permits are in place.

  17. At Check-out, the Owner can indicate extra costs to be paid by the Renter. These include, but are not limited to: surcharges for driving a longer distance, traffic fines, customs duties, damages, Deductibles, fees for delayed return of Vehicles or necessary cleaning of the Vehicle. Additionally, if the owner has to repair the Vehicle as a result of damage caused by the renter during the rental period (excluding wear and tear), the owner may charge a reasonable handling fee not exceeding CHF/EUR 100, SEK/NOK 1,000, DKK 700. Extra costs will be paid to the Owner after they have been collected from the Renter. An additional administrative fee may apply.

  18. The Owner can claim additional costs for up to six months from the end of the Rental period. The Owner must then be able to present indisputable evidence that these costs arose during the Rental period.

  19. If the Renter wishes to object to the payment of additional costs incurred after Check-out, they must notify the Owner via the Platform within the specified deadline or within 14 days if a deadline is not specified. If this is not done, the Renter is deemed to have agreed to pay the extra costs.

  20. If the Vehicle ceases to function (is not drivable or is unusable) for reasons not attributable to the Renter or their Travel company, and the Owner does not offer a replacement Vehicle for the remaining Rental period, the Owner must pay back pro-rata part of the Rental amount, excluding insurance cost and service fee, corresponding to the time the Vehicle could not be used. The Renter must be able to present indisputable evidence that the fault is not due to them. If both the Renter and the Owner provide corresponding evidence regarding (non)fault, so that it cannot be conclusively clarified between the Renter and the Owner what the breakdown is due to or who is at fault, a half refund for the Renter is due for the corresponding Rental period. Regardless of which party caused the error, MyCamper can help the Renter find a replacement vehicle. However, MyCamper has no obligation to provide replacement vehicles.

  21. The Renter is responsible for damage that occurs due to punctures on tyres that are not older than eight years and the renter confirmed intact at check-in.

The Owner must be able to present indisputable evidence that the tyres are not older than eight years. If the tyres are older than eight years, the Owner will be responsible for the damage unless the bursting of the tyre is due to an accident event related to the Renter's driving.

  1. No compensation to the Owner is paid either by MyCamper or by the Renter if the Owner needs to transport himself to their Vehicle before, during or after the Rental period.

  2. If the Owner has included one or more of the following prohibitions in their vehicle profile at the time of booking, the Renter will be given the following fine for neglecting the prohibition. The Owner must be able to show indisputable evidence that the Travel company has violated the rules. Fines are paid in the Owner's currency and administrative fees may be added by MyCamper.

    1. Smoking in the Vehicle CHF/EUR 500, SEK/NOK 5,000 DKK 3,500 (excluding cleaning costs) 

    2. Pets in the Vehicle CHF/EUR 500, SEK/NOK 5,000or DKK 3,500 (excluding cleaning costs) 

    3. To travel with the Vehicle outside the countries included in the Rental agreement CHF/EUR 500, SEK/NOK 5,000 or DKDK 3,500 (excluding costs for consequential damages such as uninsured damage to the Vehicle or third parties) 

    4. To visit a festival with the Vehicle CHF/EUR 500, SEK/NOK 5,000 or DKK 3,500 

  3. If both the Owner and the Renter present proof under §10.11-10.17 and it is not possible to say definitively who was right, the Owner and the Renter shall be responsible for half the current amount each. MyCamper has no obligation to replace or compensate the Owner or Renter.

  4. Should the Owner or Renter owe any balance to MyCamper, MyCamper may invoice the Renter or Owner, or, if a future Booking exists, MyCamper may offset the outstanding amount with amounts of any future Booking.

11. Rating system

  1. Each User can rate other Users on the Platform.

  2. The User is obliged to make truthful statements when rating other Users. Untrue, insulting or other unlawful or unreasonable comments are prohibited.

  3. Use of the rating system, which is not in accordance with its purposes, is not permitted. In particular, this includes entries which take place by persons who are connected to each other or who do not exist, as well as self-ratings.

  4. The ratings are not checked by MyCamper. MyCamper cannot assume any responsibility for the correctness or reasonableness of the ratings. MyCamper reserves the right to delete ratings or comments without the giving of reasons.

  5. Otherwise, the information on the Platform concerning the ratings system of MyCamper applies.

12. Payment and fees

  1. The Renter pays the Rental amount agreed with the Owner in the Rental agreement. Normally, the Renter is charged or invoiced 25% of the Rental amount when the Owner approves the Booking request or when an instant booking is made. No later than 30 days before the start of the Rental period, the remaining 75% must be paid. If the Rental agreement is concluded less than 30 days before the start of the Rental period, the full Rental amount will be charged or invoiced after the Owner's acceptance of the Booking request or when an instant booking is made. Cutoff times and percentages can unilaterally be changed by MyCamper. Applicable cutoff times and percentages are displayed on the platform. 

  2. It is the Owner’s responsibility to ensure the bank account provided is in the same currency and country as the vehicle. I.e. if a vehicle is listed in Switzerland, the provided bank account has to be in Switzerland in CHF whereas e.g. vehicles listed in Sweden have to be connected with a bank account in Sweden in SEK. Unless there is an agreement between MyCamper and the Owner to use a different bank account, MyCamper can debit payment fees from Stripe arising from payouts in a different currency or to a different country to the Owner. 

  3. MyCamper reserves the right to charge a fee for the Service. This is done automatically by adding it to the Owner's requested Rental amount. MyCamper is entitled to change the fee (amount and/or percentage) it charges for new Bookings. 

  4. MyCamper reserves the right to charge an insurance premium on behalf of the Insurer. The insurance premium is determined on the basis of factors specified in the insurance Terms and conditions. This is done automatically by adding it to the Owner's requested Rental amount. MyCamper is entitled to charge a service fee on insurance premiums.

  5. Payments may be handled in collaboration with a third party. The Owner's compensation is paid out when the Check-in is completed and the Renter has paid their dues. Note that the payout can take up to 10 days before it’s available on the receiver’s account. 

  6. The amount transferred to the Owner or Renter is based on data held by MyCamper, except in cases where the data can be proved to be incorrect. In such cases, the Owner or Renter must notify MyCamper as soon as possible.

  7. MyCamper is not responsible for mistakes made in the creation of Rental agreements, such as the desired date or type of Vehicle.

  8. The Renter agrees to pay the Deposit fee required by the Owner before the Check-in. Where MyCamper allows for cash deposit handling, the deposit may be paid at Check-in. The deposit can be used after the Rental agreement has expired to pay for extra costs that the Renter owes to the Owner. Paid deposit after deduction of extra costs is refunded to the Renter. If the Renter neither agrees nor rejects a charge from the deposit, MyCamper is entitled to deduct any proven amount from the deposit. MyCamper is entitled to charge administrative fees for deposit handling.

  9. The Owner has the opportunity to request that the deposit be retained for a limited time. This can be done if time is needed to investigate repair costs or to get an insurance case approved and takes place according to MyCamper’s at any time applicable process for this. It is the Owner's responsibility to ensure that this investigation is carried out expeditiously so that the deposit can be retained.

If required by the Owner's insurance company, the Owner can receive the deposit directly. MyCamper is then not involved in the management of the deposit.

  1. The Owner is not allowed to charge a deposit for a Vehicle they don’t intend or cannot lend out. Should an Owner charge or try to charge such a deposit, MyCamper is entitled to charge a fine of CHF/EUR 1,000 or SEK/NOK 10,000 or DKK 7,000.

  2. In case of an attempt to scam another User or MyCamper (e.g. by offering an inexistent Vehicle or a Vehicle to which the User does not have the right to lend it out for rent, requesting direct payments to the User’s bank account without substance, trying to receive payment from MyCamper on a wrong basis) MyCamper is entitled to charge a fine of CHF/EUR 10,000 or SEK/NOK 100,000 or DKK 70,000.

  3. All penalties, extra costs, refunds and similar charges must be paid within 30 days of the emergence unless otherwise specified or agreed with MyCamper. Thereafter, default interest of 10% applies.

  4. The Owner is responsible for declaring their income to the relevant authority. If the Owner conducts business activities and is liable for VAT, the Owner is obliged to report this to the Renter and the relevant authority. MyCamper is not responsible for the Owner's shortcomings regarding this issue.

  5. MyCamper provides brokering services and is thus not responsible for VAT and / or tax liability incumbent on the Renter or the Owner. The parties are thus themselves responsible for complying with applicable tax and customs legislation.

  6. Renters and owners hereby grant to the platform contractual authorization to communicate instructions on behalf of the connected account of renters and owners to Stripe for transaction processing and other specified services. Further, renters and owners agree that MyCamper holds funds from renters and owners on a Stripe account in the name of MyCamper under the condition that MyCamper transfers such funds only in accordance with the rental contracts and these Terms and conditions.

13. IP rights

  1. MyCamper owns all rights to MyCamper’s Service and public Content created on the Platform.

  2. MyCamper grants a limited, personal, revocable, non-exclusive and non-sublicensable right to use the Service in accordance with MyCamper's Terms and conditions.

  3. Without the written consent of MyCamper, it is prohibited to query, copy or reuse significant portions of the Content or to repeatedly and systematically query or reuse significant portions of the Contents of the database. Automating copying of Content by spiders, crawlers and robots or similar is only allowed in the event that the conditions mentioned in the robots.txt file are met.

  4. Nothing mentioned in MyCamper's Terms and conditions intends to transfer any IP rights to Users. Users should not act in a manner that violates MyCamper's IP rights, such as registering domain names, companies or search engine keywords that are identical or similar to any other issue regarding MyCamper's IP rights.

  5. Under the above-mentioned Terms and conditions, your IP rights are preserved for all Content that you publish on the Platform.

  6. The User agrees that by uploading information on the Platform, this automatically provides MyCamper with a free, unsubscribed, worldwide, sublicensable, non-exclusive right to share the information in order to offer the Service and duplicate and publish all information added on the Platform.

  7. MyCamper thus owns the right to use User-uploaded content to market the Service. This includes, for example, advertising in various media or websites.

  8. It is against MyCamper's Terms and conditions to delete, hide, change or obscure anything mentioned or communicated regarding IP rights.

14. Responsibility

  1. MyCamper is only an intermediary that mediates Services and is not responsible for damages and other matters related to the relationship between Owner and Renter.

  2. Any shortfall that can be attributed to MyCamper is limited to a maximum amount of CHF/EUR 1,000 or SEK/NOK 10,000 or DKK 7,000. The total liability arising from this agreement will never exceed that amount.

  3. MyCamper is never liable for damages resulting from:

    1. Information obtained from third parties or information available on third party websites linked to MyCamper;

    2. Information posted on the Platform by Users;

    3. Damage or loss of property or Vehicle;

    4. Deaths or injuries, if not caused by illegal acts by MyCamper;

    5. Traffic or parking offenses;

    6. Fuel costs;

    7. Violations of Terms and conditions by other Users;

    8. Termination of Rental agreement, deletion of Accounts, Vehicles or other goods on the Platform.

  4. The User guarantees that MyCamper is not liable for any damages or costs, including but not limited to damages caused by an (alleged) violation of IP rights, third party claims, collection costs, legal costs, loss of revenue, fines and legal fees caused by MyCamper or arising from: (i) deficiencies attributable to MyCamper in compliance with these Terms, (ii) the use of Services, or (iii) damages.

  5. The User shall release MyCamper from all claims which are brought against MyCamper by third parties (including other Users) and which are due to the User having breached provisions of the contractual relationship. The User shall assume all costs incurred by MyCamper due to such a breach of provisions of the contractual relationship, including the costs for the legal defense (also prior to proceedings). Any further claims and damage claims of MyCamper shall remain unaffected.

15. Termination

  1. Users of MyCamper’s Services have the right to terminate the use of the Service and delete their Account at any time. Users can not close their Account if they have active Bookings. The termination of an Account does not affect the Rental agreements that have already been entered into at the time of termination.

  2. Should there be indicators that the User has breached legal regulations, third-party rights (including those of other Users) or provisions of the contractual relationship between MyCamper and the User or that a User has received repeated negative evaluations in the ratings system, MyCamper is free to exercise its discretion in taking the following measures: (i) issue a warning to the User; (ii) delete individual entries; (iii) temporarily block the User or a rental contract; (iv)) terminate a Rental agreement; (v) permanent blocking of the User or deletion of their registration and termination of the contractual relationship with the User without notice. The claiming of additional damages or the bringing of other legal claims by MyCamper remain reserved.

  3. In the event of a User's need to receive a payment from MyCamper, or if a User has a positive balance in the account at the time of termination, MyCamper guarantees that the relevant amounts are transferred to the User.

  4. All amounts owed by Users to MyCamper will be claimed as soon as the Account is closed.

16. Other conditions

  1. These terms, and all disputes arising from them and / or related to them, are regulated by Swiss law. The reference to Swiss law shall be deemed to refer to Swiss substantive legal rules, not the country's legal rules. Thus, no deportation should take place (no renvoi).

  2. All disputes arising from and / or related to the applicable Terms and conditions shall be submitted to a general court. If the dispute involves MyCamper as a party, disputes must in any case be taken up in a Swiss court in accordance with rules in the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure.

  3. If any of the individual points under these terms are canceled, the other terms will continue to apply and MyCamper will replace the canceled point with one that matches it as closely as possible.

  4. If you are engaged in offering similar services to MyCamper for a fee, irrespective of whether your clientele is commercial or individual, then you are in competition with MyCamper. Accessing our site, downloading materials, or obtaining any Content from our Platform directly or indirectly is strictly prohibited for you. Violating this condition makes you liable for any damages we might incur, and you may also be held accountable for any profits you gain from such unauthorized usage. MyCamper retains the right to refuse access to any individual to our site, services, or data at our exclusive judgment.

  5. MyCamper reserves the right to transfer or pledge all assets, powers, rights, obligations and documents related to the applicable Terms and conditions to a third party, and will notify you if this occurs. By using MyCamper, you agree to cooperate with any third party in the future to whom MyCamper transfers the Service, and allow them to exercise all rights acquired through the transfer.

  6. If there is a dispute between Renter and Owner about a value up to the maximum amount per incident, the Renter and the Owner agree that this dispute can be resolved by MyCamper, provided that MyCamper holds the deposit for the Booking. If the Owner or another third party who is not MyCamper holds the deposit, MyCamper may offer advice but is not in any way responsible for determining the outcome of the dispute.

  7. MyCamper has no obligations to the Parties regarding the advice offered and / or what happens in connection with this.

  8. For all deliveries which take place within the framework of this contractual relationship, an email is sufficient. Written form as stated in these Terms and conditions or the contractual relationship is also represented by emails.

Do you have any questions?

Check our Helpcenter or contact us if you have any further questions: See the opening hours of the support