- 6 sleeping spots
- 6 seats
- Pets allowed
Vehicle data
The vehicle is rented out by a company
- Fiat
- Carado 720 2021 6h
- 2021
- Manual
- Diesel
- No
- Yes
- Friction tyres
- Fridge
- Freezer
- Cooking plate
- Kitchen equipment
- Hot water
- Shower
- AC in cab
Add-on equipment
- Included in priceBike rack(Suitable for 2 bikes)
Additional equipment
Get the text automatically translated via Google translate.
Translate with Google TranslateTyynyt ja peitot 6h, kattilat 2kpl, paistinpannu, haarukat, veitset, lusikat 6h. Ei liinavaatteita.
Rental terms
About the vehicle
Get the text automatically translated via Google translate.
Translate with Google TranslateVuokraus ulkomaille +150,00/vko sis.2000km. Yli menevät 0,40c/km. Myös lyhyemmät vuokra-ajat vuokrattavissa. Lisätiedot 0400728826 tai [email protected]
- Tapiola
- Included in the rental costs
- Included in the rental costs
- EUR 1,000
The vehicle is insured via the owner's insurance. In case of non-motorised camping vehicles (caravans), the liability is covered via the towing vehicle.
- EUR 100
- EUR 0
- 4,0 EUR / day
- 286 km / night
- EUR 0.44/km
- • • •