Sue&Marc's 🏖️Aschis Wohnbüchse🏖️ Caravan

  • 5 sleeping spots
  • No pets allowed
Photo of the vehicle
Photo of the vehicle
Photo of the vehicle
Photo of the vehicle
Photo of the vehicle
  • 5 sleeping spots
  • No pets allowed
Binding booking
The owner has 24h to accept your booking request
Standard cancellation policy
Cancel for free up to 60 days prior to the trip

Vehicle data

  • 🏖️Aschis Wohnbüchse🏖️
  • Hobby 500 KMFe
  • 2008
  • No
  • No
  • 2.3 meters
  • 7.2 meters
  • 2.6 meters


  • Fridge
  • Freezer
  • Cooking plate
  • Kitchen equipment
  • Hot water
  • Heating
  • Blackout curtains
  • Blinds

Add-on equipment

  • Coffee machine
    Included in price
  • Grill
    Included in price
  • Outdoor furniture
    Included in price

Rental terms

  • 28 years
  • Parking spot for renter’s car available
  • approx. 17:00
  • approx. 16:00
  • About the vehicle

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    Bilder sagen mehr als Worte...😎 alles andere dürft ihr gerne fragen! Je nach Bedarf ist ein aufblasbares Sonnensegel oder ein aufblasbares Vorzelt mit Anbau dabei (inkl.) Eine Mobicool-Kompressor-Kühlbox (12V/220V) kann auf Wunsch dazu gemietet werden (50.-/Buchung) VERMIETUNG NUR AN FAHRER*INNEN MIT PRAXISERFAHRUNG MIT ANHÄNGERN! ❗️ WICHTIG ❗️ 🚨 Stehpinkler erhalten lebenslanges Wohnbüchsenverbot🚨 Dusche nicht in Betrieb! Gas soweit vorhanden inklusive! Wer in kälteren Jahreszeiten jede Nacht mit Gas heizen will, muss sicher die Flasche (Vitolight) zusätzlich auswechseln.. Es ist aber auch ein Keramikluftheizer vorhanden. Die Zusatzflasche reicht vorig bei mehrfach täglichem Betrieb der Aussenküche mit Grill


      Baloise insurance

      Baloise insurance includes liability and comprehensive cover. In case of a caravan, the liability insurance has to be covered by the policy for the towing vehicle.

    • Included in the rental costs
    • Not included; can be added during the booking process
    • Included in the rental costs
    • 2 136,40 EUR (Price converted from 2 000,00 CHF)
    • Can be reduced to 213,64 EUR. (Price converted from 200,00 CHF)

    Read more about the insurance


    • EUR 801
    • EUR 0
    • 4,3 EUR / day


  • Cancel for free up to 60 days prior to the trip
  • Owner

    You rent from Sue&Marc
    Photo of Sue&Marc


    Location of caravan

    From 85 EUR per night
    From To
    Secure payments. You won't be charged yet.
    Safe with MyCamper and
    Insurance via Baloise included
    Roadside assistance and additional insurances can be added during the booking request process, if not already included.

    How does it work?

    1. 1. Find a camping vehicle

      Choose where and when you wish to pick up the vehicle.

    2. 2. Send booking request

      Send a booking request for the motorhome or caravan you want to rent.

    3. 3. Check in

      Finish the booking and check in when the time comes. Have a nice holiday!