- 4 sleeping spots
- 4 seats
- No pets allowed
Vehicle data
- VW
- T5 California Beach Travel
- 2014
- Manual
- Diesel
- Yes
- Yes
- Friction tyres
- Cooking plate
- Kitchen equipment
- AC in living area
- AC in cab
- Aux-port
- Parking sensors
- CD player
Add-on equipment
- Included in priceBed linen
- Included in priceOutdoor furniture
- Included in priceBike rack(Suitable for 2 bikes)
Additional equipment
Get the text automatically translated via Google translate.
Translate with Google Translategemäss Fotos kleine Werkzeugkiste Strassenkarten: Schweiz, Italien Nord, Frankreich, Voralberg-Südtirol, München Kaffekocher Kühlbox Faltbox Sonnenschirm, Grill und 2-er Zelt (als Stauraum) kann zusätzlich gemietet werden
Rental terms
About the vehicle
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Translate with Google TranslateDas VW-T5 Büssli ist das perfekte Fahrzeug für abenteuerlustige Personen, egal ob Jung oder Junggebliebene mit Kleinkinder. Zusätzlicher Schlafmatratze inkl. Zewi Decke (140 x 70 cm) im hinteren Teil für Baby/Kleinkind. Hat bei unserer Tochter super geklappt. Der Mieter kann sein Auto kostenlos bei uns in der Tiefgarage parkieren.
- Included in the rental costs
- Included in the rental costs
- Included in the rental costs
- EUR 2 085,33 (Price converted from CHF 2 000,00)
- Can be reduced to EUR 208,53. (Price converted from CHF 200,00)
Baloise insurance includes liability and comprehensive cover. In case of a caravan, the liability insurance has to be covered by the policy for the towing vehicle.
- EUR 521
- EUR 71
- EUR 4,2 / day
- Unlimited kilometers

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