- 2 sleeping spots
- 3 seats
- Pets allowed
Vehicle data
The vehicle is rented out by a company
- Mercedes
- Unimog U1400 5,9
- 1989
- Manual
- Diesel
- No
- Yes
- Studded tyres
- Towbar
Additional equipment
Kanootti, igluteltta, saunateltta, kamiina, palju, agregaatti, uppopumppu, kalastusvälineitä yms.
Rental terms
About the vehicle
Mahtava kulkuneuvo metsästys ja eräretkille tai muuten vaan ajeluun syrjäisiin paikkoihin, mihin ei tiet kulje!
- Op-Pohjola
- Included in the rental costs
- Included in the rental costs
- EUR 1,000
The vehicle is insured via the owner's insurance. In case of non-motorised camping vehicles (caravans), the liability is covered via the towing vehicle.
- EUR 500
- EUR 133
- 4,0 EUR / day
- 143 km / night
- EUR 0.06/km
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