- 4 sleeping spots
- 4 seats
- Pets allowed
Vehicle data
- Hymer
- B 698
- 2013
- Manual
- Diesel
- No
- Yes
- No
- Fridge
- Freezer
- Cooking plate
- Oven
- Kitchen equipment
- Hot water
- Shower
Add-on equipment
- Included in priceOutdoor furniture
Rental terms
About the vehicle
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Translate with Google TranslateHär finner ni även en virtuell 3-D presentation av bilen. https://www.google.se/maps/@60.6151617,15.7774945,3a,75y,275.1h,85.1t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipMpO48VbGwWr7xg9h_jw2cdvd4aMYpAofmHbMAx!2e10!3e11!7i13312!8i6656 Använd pilarna för att navigera runt och in i bilen.
- Included in the rental costs
- Included in the rental costs
- Included in the rental cost
- EUR 1,467.83 (Price converted from SEK 16,000.00)

The Omocom insurance is a tailor-made, comprehensive insurance solution that covers damage, loss and theft during the rental period.
- EUR 459
- EUR 61
- EUR 3.7 / day
- 286 km / night
- EUR 0.20/km

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