- 6 sleeping spots
- Pets allowed
Vehicle data
- Dethleffs
- 196 C16-1059
- 2020
- No
- No
- 2.12 meters
- 7.16 meters
- 2.65 meters
- Fridge
- Freezer
- Microwave oven
- Cooking plate
- Kitchen equipment
- TV
- Toilet - Emptying
- Heating
Add-on equipment
- Included in priceCoffee machine
Add-on services
- Included in pricePickup within 10km
- Included in pricePet surcharge
- Included in priceCar parking
Additional equipment
Get the text automatically translated via Google translate.
Translate with Google TranslateAurinkovarjo 2x4 m ja painava jalka. Nestepullon kuoret(kevyt) grillille. 2 metallinestepullon kuorta hellalle/nestelämmitys. Asuntovaunussa ei omaa akkua. Lämmitys toimii kaasulla/ ulkoisella sähkövirralla. Sähköt ja vesipumppu ulkoisella sähköllä. Liinavaatteet (tyynyliina, lakana, pussilakana) 10 e/setti.
Rental terms
- Included in the rental costs
- Included in the rental costs
- Included in the rental cost
- 1.600,00 EUR
- Can be reduced to 300,00 EUR.

The Omocom insurance is a tailor-made, comprehensive insurance solution that covers damage, loss and theft during the rental period.
- EUR 500
- EUR 40
- 4,0 EUR / day

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