- 4 sleeping spots
- 4 seats
- Pets allowed
Vehicle data
- Fiat
- Dethleffs Comfort
- 2000
- Manual
- Diesel
- Yes
- Yes
- No
- Fridge
- Cooking plate
- Kitchen equipment
- Hot water
- Shower
- AC in cab
- CD player
- Toilet - Emptying
Add-on equipment
- Included in priceBike rack(Suitable for 2 bikes)
Rental terms
About the vehicle
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Translate with Google Translatehel og pen bobil klar for nye eventyr, send gjerne melding vis en lurer på noe :-) BETINGELSER: • Ikke røyk • Leveres med full dieseltank • Leies ikke ut til festival eller festbruk. • Bompenger, parkering, bøter og skader dekkes av leietaker. (blir avregnet etter innlevering) • Bilen leveres tilbake i samme tilstand som utlevert. Ved avhenting går vi sammen gjennom bilen slik at begge parter er informert om evt. skader/mangler.
- Included in the rental costs
- Included in the rental costs
- Included in the rental cost
- 1 366,75 EUR (Price converted from 16 000,00 NOK)
- Can be reduced to 256,27 EUR. (Price converted from 3 000,00 NOK)
The Omocom insurance is a tailor-made, comprehensive insurance solution that covers damage, loss and theft during the rental period.
- EUR 427
- EUR 0
- 3,4 EUR / day
- 286 km / night
- EUR 0.33/km
- • • •