- 2 sleeping spots
- 2 seats
- Pets allowed
Vehicle data
- Renault
- Master T35
- 2014
- Manual
- Diesel
- No
- Yes
- No
- Fridge
- Cooking plate
- Oven
- Kitchen equipment
- Parking sensors
- CD player
- Heating
- Blackout curtains
Add-on equipment
- Included in priceCoffee machine
- + EUR 20,87 per bookingBed linen
- Included in priceOutdoor furniture
Add-on services
- + EUR 2,09 per nightCar parking
Additional equipment
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Translate with Google Translate- Lüftung im Wohnbereich - Solargespiesene Lithiumbatterie - Viel Stauraum - Warmwasser in Küche - zwei Keile vorhanden zur Nivilierung - 2 Fixleintücher, 2 Kissen und Tagesdecke vorhanden - Teppich für den Aussenbereich - Küchenausstattung beinhaltet; Geschirr, Gläser, Besteck, Becher, Gasherd einflammig, Induktionsplatte, Wasserkocher, Stabmixer, Salatsieb, Schüsseln, Rüstmesser, Kochlöffel, Brotmesser, Abwaschbecken, Kochtopf, Bratpfanne, Omnia Camping-Backofen - Diverse Handyhalterungen, eine Tablethalterung (Navi) - 2 Klappstühle, 1 Klapptisch - Wäscheständer
Rental terms
About the vehicle
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Translate with Google Translate- Stan ist ein Nichtraucher-Fahrzeug - Durchschnittlicher Verbrauch (ohne Autobahn) ca. 12 Liter auf 100KM - Masse Bett: 180 x 140cm
- Included in the rental costs
- Not included; can be added during the booking process
- Not included; can be added during the booking process
- EUR 2 087,15 (Price converted from CHF 2 000,00)
- Can be reduced to EUR 208,72. (Price converted from CHF 200,00)
Baloise insurance includes liability and comprehensive cover. In case of a caravan, the liability insurance has to be covered by the policy for the towing vehicle.
- EUR 522
- EUR 0
- EUR 4,2 / day
- 243 km / night
- EUR 0.80/km

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