Det går att bädda för upp till sex personer.
Använd släpvagnskalkylatorn för att kontrollera vilket körkort som krävs.
Totalvikt 1600 kg. Regnr KYA629.
Rental terms
23 vuotta
Parking spot for renter’s car is not available
noin 15:00
noin 12:00
Omocom insurance
The Omocom insurance is a tailor-made, comprehensive insurance solution that covers damage, loss and theft during the rental period.
Included in the rental costs
Included in the rental costs
Included in the rental cost
1 457,78 EUR
(Price converted from 16 000,00 SEK)
Can be reduced to 273,33 EUR.
(Price converted from 3 000,00 SEK)