Luca's VW Campervan

  • Campervan
  •  in  Monteggio CH
    • 4 sleeping spots
    • 4 seats
    • No pets allowed
    Photo of the vehicle
    Photo of the vehicle
    Photo of the vehicle
    Photo of the vehicle
    Photo of the vehicle
  • Campervan
  •  in  Monteggio CH
    • 4 sleeping spots
    • 4 seats
    • No pets allowed
    Binding booking
    The owner has 24h to accept your booking request
    Flex cancellation policy
    Cancel for free up to 60 days prior to the trip

    Vehicle data

    • VW
    • California T6 Ocean 4x4
    • 2019
    • Automatic
    • Diesel
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Studded tyres


    • Fridge
    • Cooking plate
    • Kitchen equipment
    • AC in cab
    • Parking sensors
    • Yes
    • Heating
    • Blackout curtains

    Add-on equipment

    • Outdoor furniture
      Included in price

    Rental terms

  • 25 years
  • Parking spot for renter’s car available
  • approx. 16:00
  • approx. 11:00
  • About the vehicle

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    ITALIANO Il vantaggio di Ivano è sicuramente la sua dimensione. Puoi posteggiare in qualsiasi parcheggio (autosilo compreso) e non in posteggi solo per camper: in montagna o in città, durante tutte le 4 stagioni troverai sempre posto per lui. Ivano ha la trazione permanente, quindi nessun problema sulla neve o su terreni sterrati ed è munito dei migliori sistemi di sicurezza per la guida. Fino a 4 posti letto, ideale per 2, la sua cucina a gas è arredata con tutto il necessario per cucinare e mangiare in 4. Ha solo 2 sedie esterne (se siete di più dovrai organizzarne altre tu). Biancheria da letto e da cucina non compresa. Ivano ha un gancio da rimorchio rimovibile (il portabici visto in foto al momento non è disponibile). Abbiamo anche una piccola “pretenda” da installare con baule aperto (seguiranno delle foto appena possibile). Se ti è più comodo, il ritiro e la consegna è fattibile anche nel Locarnese (Gordola/Tenero). Ivano va riconsegnato pulito e con il pieno di benzina come al momento del ritiro. In caso contrario verranno trattenuti dei costi dal deposito garanzia ( min. CHF 100.-). Per qualsiasi informazione e domande contattaci senza impegno e buon viaggio! DEUTSCH Ivano’s Vorteil ist sicherlich seiner Grösse. Parken kann man auf jedem Parkplatz (auch Tiefgarage) und nicht auf Stellplätzen nur für Wohnmobile: Ob in den Bergen oder in der Stadt, zu allen 4 Jahreszeiten findet man immer Platz für ihn. Ivano hat permanente Traktion, also keine Probleme auf Schnee oder unbefestigten Strassen und ist mit den besten Sicherheitssystemen zum Fahren ausgestattet. Bis zu 4 Betten, ideal für 2 Personen, die kleine Küche mit Gasherd ist mit allem ausgestattet, was Sie zum Kochen und Essen für 4 Personen benötigen. Es hat nur 2 Aussenstühle (wenn Ihr mehr seid, müsst zusätzliche selber organisieren). Bettwäsche und Küche Tüchern nicht inbegriffen. Ivano hat eine abnehmbare Anhängerkupplung (der auf dem Foto zu sehende Fahrradträger ist derzeit nicht verfügbar). Wir haben auch noch ein kleinen Vorzelt zum Einbau mit offenem Kofferraum (Fotos folgen so bald wie möglich). Wenn es für dich bequemer ist, kann die Abholung auch im Locarnese (Gordola/Tenero) erfolgen. Ivano muss bei die Rückgabe wie bei der Abholung sauber und vollgetankt zurückgegeben werden, andernfalls werden Kosten von der Kaution abgezogen (mind. CHF 100.-). Für Informationen und Fragen sind wir hier zur Verfügung und gute Fahrt! FRANçAIS L'espace restreint du mini van nous a donner une nouvelle dimension de liberté. Dans cette union que nous avons découvert, la sécurité du 4x4 nous emmène partout: à la montagne comme à la ville (même dans les silos). Cela va sans dire qu'il il y a toujours une place pour lui qui nous unit dans une vie de bohème (route enneigée ou terre battue). Le partage étant chez nous le principal pilier, vous pouvez accueillir 2 personnes supplémentaires. Avec une cuisinière à gaz meublée de tout le nécessaire. Cela va de soi que votre couple d'amis ou amis devront amener leurs chaises. Nous voulons aussi préserver notre intimité donc les drap, serviette, serviette de bain et torchons ne sont pas inclus. Le mini van a un crochet de remorquage amovible, malgré tout le porte vélo n'est pas disponible comme sur la photo. Nous avons également un rideau qui cache l' intérieur du coffre quand il est ouvert. Ivano doit être restitué propre et avec le plein de carburant comme au moment de la livration, autrement des frais seront déduits de la caution (au moins CHF 100.-). Si cela vous convient mieux la livraison et la reprise peuvent être effectuées à Gordola/Tenero près de Locarno. Pour toute information et question contacter nous sans engagement et bon voyage! ENGLISH Ivano's advantage is certainly his dimension. You can park in any car parking (including car park) and not in parking spaces only for campers: in the mountains or in the city, during all 4 seasons you will always find a space for him. Ivano has permanent traction, so no problem on snow or dirt roads and it is equipped with the best safety systems for driving. Up to 4 beds, perfect for 2 people, the small kitchen has a gas stove and is furnished with everything you need to cook and eat in 4. It has only 2 outdoor chairs (if you are more you will have to organize others). Bed sheets and kitchen linen not included. Ivano has a removable tow hook (the bike carrier seen in the photo is not available at the moment). We also have a small "pretend" to be installed with the trunk open (photos will follow as soon as possible). The van must be returned clean and with the tank full ad picked up, otherwise costs will be deducted from the guarantee deposit (min. CHF 100.-). If it is more convenient for you, collection and delivery can also be done in the Locarno area (Gordola / Tenero). For any information and questions contact us without and have a good trip!


      Baloise insurance

      Baloise insurance includes liability and comprehensive cover. In case of a caravan, the liability insurance has to be covered by the policy for the towing vehicle.

    • Included in the rental costs
    • Not included; can be added during the booking process
    • Included in the rental costs
    • EUR 2,083.84 (Price converted from CHF 2,000.00)
    • Can be reduced to EUR 208.38. (Price converted from CHF 200.00)

    Read more about the insurance


    • EUR 521
    • EUR 0
    • EUR 4.2 / day
    • Unlimited kilometers


  • Cancel for free up to 60 days prior to the trip
  • Owner

    You rent from Luca
    Photo of Luca


    Location of campervan

    From EUR 265 per night
    From To
    Secure payments. You won't be charged yet.
    Safe with MyCamper and
    Insurance via Baloise included
    Roadside assistance and additional insurances can be added during the booking request process, if not already included.

    How does it work?

    1. 1. Find a camping vehicle

      Choose where and when you wish to pick up the vehicle.

    2. 2. Send booking request

      Send a booking request for the motorhome or caravan you want to rent.

    3. 3. Check in

      Finish the booking and check in when the time comes. Have a nice holiday!