- 3 Schlafplätze
- 6 Sitzplätze
- Haustiere erlaubt
- Peugeot
- Neptun 600
- 1987
- Schaltgetriebe
- Diesel
- Nein
- Nein
- Nein
- Kühlschrank
- Kochplatte
- Küchenausstattung
- Toilette - Entleerung
- Verdunkelungsvorhänge
- Rolladen
- Moskitonetz
- Solarpanel
Zusätzliche Ausstattung
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Mit Google-Übersetzer übersetzenpropane and co2 alarm. Vaccum cleaner.
Über das Fahrzeug
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Mit Google-Übersetzer übersetzenIts an old car, and even though several things have been replaced and maintained over the years there might be things that are not as nice as a brand new one. The speed is max 90 on a good day. I would say a good cruise speed is 70-80, also to minimize engine noise. I recommend not planning long stretches of driving, especially not in hot weather. There is no AC, but decent fans that will do the job if its not too warm. I think size wise i would recommend just going as a couple, and using the alcove for sleeping. The table area can be used as well but it might be a bit tight. On the other side, you will probably get a lot of attention from other people. :) We have tried to make it really cozy inside, the sleeping spot above the drivers seat is really convenient as well. Big nice view when driving. Big seating area. There is a new setup with solar panel, 100 AH lithium battery inverter for AC power. Plenty for laptops etc. The fridge is new, and run on gas, so it wont drain the battery.
- In den Mietkosten inbegriffen
- In den Mietkosten inbegriffen
- In den Mietkosten inbegriffen
- EUR 2 144,28 (Preis umgerechnet von DKK 16 000,00)

Die Omocom-Versicherung ist eine massgeschneiderte, umfassende Versicherungslösung, die Schäden, Verlust und Diebstahl während des Mietzeitraums abdeckt.
- 670 EUR
- 89 EUR
- EUR 4,0 / Tag
- Unbegrenzte Kilometer
- • • •