Hobby Wohnmobil von Freedom

  • Wohnmobil
  •  in  Helsingborg , SE
    • 4 Schlafplätze
    • 4 Sitzplätze
    • Keine Haustiere erlaubt
    Foto des Fahrzeugs
    Foto des Fahrzeugs
    Foto des Fahrzeugs
    Foto des Fahrzeugs
    Foto des Fahrzeugs
  • Wohnmobil
  •  in  Helsingborg , SE
    • 4 Schlafplätze
    • 4 Sitzplätze
    • Keine Haustiere erlaubt
    Verbindliche Buchungsanfrage
    Der:Die Vermieter:in hat 24h Zeit, deine Buchungsanfrage zu beantworten
    Standard Stornierungsbedingung
    Kostenlose Stornierung bis zu 60 Tage vor Reisebeginn


    • Hobby
    • Hobby 650 FM
    • 2004
    • Automatikgetriebe
    • Diesel
    • Ja
    • Ja
    • Nein


    • Kühlschrank
    • Gefrierschrank
    • Mikrowellenherd
    • Kochplatte
    • Küchenausstattung
    • Warmwasser
    • Dusche
    • GPS


  • 23 Jahre
  • Parkplatz für Privatfahrzeug verfügbar
  • ca. 15:00
  • ca. 12:00
  • Über das Fahrzeug

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    Fully integrated mobile home for 6 people for rent Rear camera, front camera and on the left and right side. The car is equipped with 4 belted seats belonging to 4 beds. Can be driven with a B driving license = no extended driving license is needed because the weight is below 3500kg. The car has low mileage, has only driven 8600 miles and has been fully serviced. Equipment in the motorhome: Solar cells 3 pcs Batteries 3 pcs Inverter (230V) so you can use normal contacts in the car 24/7 without connecting the motorhome to the electricity network Fridge Freezer Stove AC Integrated gas heater (drum) Gas leak warning Fire alarm WC Shower Hot water 180 degree rotatable pilot seat GPS,Blackout curtains Mosquito net Diesel engine Cruise control Outdoor furniture table and chairs Cutlery and plates are in the motorhome Pot and frying pan are in the motorhome Grill and gas included Awning Blankets, pillows and towels are available for 6 people Level blocks 6.1 meters long Operating weight 2850 kg Alpine stereo with touchscreen and new pioneer speakers throughout the car. It is also possible to rent two Värsting electric scooters that have 3 gears and go at 37 km/h SEK 500 per week per electric scooter The motorhome is delivered cleaned and refueled Returned in the same condition The car is rented from Sunday to Sunday (ask about special requests) Picked up on Sundays at 3 p.m. Returned on Sundays at the latest at 12 p.m. 150 miles included in the week after that/30 SEK miles 5000 SEK in booking fee, which is transferred to a deposit upon collection. This is not refunded if you cancel less than 5 weeks before your planned rental week (this is to ensure that those who book really come as the season is short, this must be paid in to lock your weeks you wish to rent) The car is picked up/left with a full tank of fuel and cleaned and emptied tanks (we show you how to do it). You can also leave the country (just let us know before so we know the insurance covers in this particular country, most European countries are ok) You don't need to clean the outside of the vehicle when you return it, only the inside. We draw up a four-page contract for everyone's safety on the rental day. Then we also go through the car properly so you know how everything works. The person renting must have an EU driver's license ID check and contract drawn up. Get in touch with questions and concerns.



      Die Omocom-Versicherung ist eine massgeschneiderte, umfassende Versicherungslösung, die Schäden, Verlust und Diebstahl während des Mietzeitraums abdeckt.

    • In den Mietkosten inbegriffen
    • In den Mietkosten inbegriffen
    • In den Mietkosten inbegriffen
    • 1.467,82 EUR (Preis umgerechnet von 16.000,00 SEK)

    Mehr erfahren über die Versicherung


    • 459 EUR
    • 0 EUR
    • 3,7 EUR / Tag
    • 250 km / Nacht
    • 0,35 EUR/ km


  • Kostenlose Stornierung bis zu 60 Tage vor Reisebeginn
  • Vermieter:in

    Du mietest von Freedom


    Standort des Fahrzeugs

    Wie funktioniert das?

    1. 1. Campingfahrzeug finden

      Wähle, wo und wann du das Fahrzeug abholen möchtest.

    2. 2. Buchungsanfrage senden

      Sende eine Buchungsanfrage für das Fahrzeug, das du mieten möchtest.

    3. 3. Check-in

      Schliesse die Buchung ab und starte den Check-in, wenn es soweit ist. Schöne Ferien!